I-RB is an active investor with competences and capital for growth
I-RB is an investment company that focuses on existing companies with a need of competences and capital required to develop further.
An example is the Hjem-Is group, of which I-RB had majority ownership when it was purchased from Nestlé. After some years of development and a focused turn-around process, the group was sold to Mejerigården/Premier Is.
I-RB also co-owns the bakery company Casero, the tracking company TrippleTrack, the sports equipment company Sport&Promotion (part of the Sportigan chain), the gift company Bace Retail, and, as of late, Sydglas Danmark, who is a specialist in windshields for cars.
Our investment profile
I-RB primarily steps in as a majority shareholder.
Usually, the company is already operational and is having an identifiable potential for development or rationalisation. I-RB develops a concrete plan of action through cooperation with old and new owners alike, which the chosen management team execute with the direct or indirect involvement of a team of carefully chosen members of I-RB.
An indirect role in this process might entail acting as a board member or contributing to management, administration, and accounting through a selection of relevant services.
Troubled companies
We are experienced in managing companies going through troubled times. We work with the owners, banking connections, and other involved parties in the most confidential of manners.
We are in a position to contribute experience, overview, and, if necessary, we have the capital required to help companies through troubled times.
I-RB invests in companies with perspective and supports companies through times of trouble
The owners behind I-RB
I-RB is co-owned by Frank Waller and Erik Thaysen. Both are experienced businesspeople from different skill backgrounds.
Frank Waller
Strategically thinking financier
His experience ranges from a past as a group manager for Hjem-Is as well as a leading employee at Dangaard Telecom (chief controller), its subsidiary Teleservice (CEO), Lego (chief controller), and ETU Forsikring (CEO).
+45 4042 9945
Erik Thaysen
Purchasing, operations, and process specialist
His experience as a purchasing director extends from Dangaard Telecom to the Fleggaard group. Through I-RB, Erik has been involved with the subsidiary TrippleTrack and the acquisition of Sydglas Danmark.
+45 2191 3000
Current I-RB companies
– Sydglas Danmark
– Base Retail
– TrippleTrack
– Sport&Promotion
– Casero
I-RB bases its business model on healthy values, great business acumen, and a solid foundation of capital paired with broad experience!
We have worked with I-RB for a range of projects and achieved good results each and every time.
We are beyond satisfied with the partnership.
Lars Frank JensenAs a reconstructor, I sold an existing company to I-RB.
I-RB acted quickly and professionally.
The decision-making processes were short and I-RB had a solution-oriented approach that resulted in the establishment of an agreement that was acceptable by both sides. There are many stakeholders in troubled companies and I-RB exhibited great understanding of our need to accommodate our stakeholders to the best of our ability. The process was carried out in such a way as to cause as little disruption to company operations as possible – and the company has been far more successful ever since I-RB stepped in.
Jan Bruun JørgensenI founded Sport&Promotion in cooperation with I-RB, in order to offer sports organisations something different, especially in South Jutland.
We ended up having different visions for the company’s strategy and operations, as a result of which we agreed to transfer my shares to I-RB, so that they could run the business in a manner true to their ideas and vision.
It was a smooth and professional decision – and we still work together on tasks and projects to this day.
This highlights their standard as partners, even in the face of disagreements.
Michael MøllerHighlighted cases
I-RB stepped in as a co-owner of the company Viking Is, which was competing with the industry leader: Hjem-Is. I-RB ensured the introduction of a sustainable capital structure and a systematic growth plan for Viking Is.
After a period of tough competition within the Danish market, the challenger, Viking Is, was offered the chance to take over Hjem-Is: the juggernaut with a combined franchise and storage structure experiencing consistent losses.
Viking Is was disbanded and operations now occur under the Hjem-Is brand. In connection with this development, I-RB became a majority shareholder.
An EBITDA-level deficit of 45 million kroner over the past three years under the ownership of Nestlé was turned into a profit of 30 million kroner within three years: an improvement of 75 million kroner. Hjem-Is has been a profitable company every year during I-RB’s ownership.
An integrated part of the strategy was the investment in optimisation of the distribution network and the success of the company is in part thanks to an improvement in the overall cost level, the extension of the season, the introduction of new products, and the increased prevalence of online sales. These operational changes have made all the difference.
The company has been sold to the ice cream manufacturer Premier Is/Mejerigården, which is owned by a Food Union conglomerate.
The GPS tracking company was going through a period of hardship. Ownership was fragmented and the company was facing significant financial challenges. I-RB worked out an action plan with TrippleTracks’ financial institution and guarantor, took over majority ownership, and embarked on the execution of a sustainable plan, which has been kept in place since. The bank has been receiving the agreed repayments on time ever since.
Now, TrippleTrack has an ever-increasing portfolio and positive EBITDA results.
Contact us
VAT-no.: DK33775334
Bjerggade 2
DK-6200 Aabenraa